Using the motivational effects of robotics, our courses are designed to excite children about the advance engineering and programming concepts in a context that makes sense to them
As they design, build and program an autonomous robot, they are exposed to these advance concepts in a 'hands-on mind-on' inquiry-based format which is fun-filled, full of challenges and lots of play.
After all, it's their nature to play and have fun...
With a spoon-fed education system, kids expect the answers from teachers or parents while they do not even try to ascertain the answer. This has created a generation of kids who lacks both creativity or innovation.
With the LEGO NXT Mindstorm, kids are challenged to a problem. When faced with a challenging yet fun task, kids learn to plan, design and problem solve.
The simple task of building and programming a robot, provides the kids with an environment to think, create and problem solve while utilizing what they have learnt from science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
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